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Blue Waffle Disease: Internet Hoax  or a  STD?
01 Jul 2024 |

Blue Waffle Disease: Internet Hoax or a STD?

Blue Waffle Disease is the latest buzz on the internet: A sexually transmitted infection making the vaginal area blue however it is not a real condition at all.

This blog will help you understand the importance of sexual health and dispel this myth.

Overview of Blue Waffle Disease

Blue Waffle is a fictional condition.  It is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Actual STIs are contagious and people need to take preventive measures to stop becoming infected and passing it on to others. Parasitical, viral and bacterial STIs are identified with specific symptoms and names.

Every year thousands of new cases are recorded in sexually active young people between the ages of 15-24 years.

Is this disease real?

Blue Waffle Disease does not exist. It is not a real disease and it will not turn the vulva blue.

Photographs on the internet showing a blue-coloured vulva it is fake news on the internet.  It is concerning and harmful to anyone suffering a real STI(s).  

It is important to note that the definition of this fake condition differs from website to website.

There is definitely no condition called Blue Waffle Disease.

If you believe you have a STI(s), a doctor will be able to confirm this by carrying out a laboratory test and give you the appropriate treatment(s) and advice.

Can frequent sex lead to Blue Waffle symptoms?

Rarely do people experience any side effects from having frequent sex. However, discomfort is common to some individuals depending on age and other health conditions.

The vagina secretes a natural lubricant but excessive sex can result in vaginal dryness and can make sexual intercourse uncomfortable. Creams and pessaries medication can help and be bought over the counter. (After the menopause this hormonal lubricant naturally decreases again medications will help).

Rough intercourse can result in vaginal swelling and/or tearing of the tissues.This makes it more likely for infection(s) to invade.

The symptoms turning the vulva blue in supposed Blue Waffle Disease include:

  • Painful sex
  • Abdominal pain
  • Burning sensation on urination
  • Swelling, burning and itching around your vagina
  • Genital sores
  • Penile or Vaginal discharge

These symptoms may indicate a viral or bacterial infection and requires further investigation, possible laboratory testing, and appropriate treatment.

Symptoms of Blue Waffle Disease

Is Blue Waffle lasting?

No. It is not a real disease.

STI(s) will last only until the person gets tested and starts taking the appropriate treatment, usually antibiotics.

Other STIs like, HPV, Hepatitis B and Genital Herpes cannot be cured but are manageable with medications. Please see our specialist at the Sexual Health Clinic if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms.  

STI symptoms believed to be Blue Waffle

  • Irritation or itching in the genital area
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Swollen/discoloured vulva

This could be vaginitis (vaginal inflammation) a very common condition and often occurs after sexual intercourse or an allergic reaction. It may be due to a chemical or bacterial imbalance. Get it checked out if it is causing you concern.

How can you prevent an STI?

To prevent possible risks of a STI the recommended methods are latex condoms and dental dams and are a very efficient protection.  

If you are sexually active with multiple partners regular screening and STI testing is necessary.  Early detection and treatment is essential to prevent further complications to your health and stop it spreading to others and possible re-infection so it is important to get it sorted and quickly.

What is the importance of sexual education?

The Blue Waffle phenomenon is evidence that young people rely on the internet for sexual education.  However the true nature of what they are reading is  incorrect.

Professional sexual educators have burst the myth of Blue Waffle Disease. Yet the rumours still persist over the internet.

It is important therefore for youngsters and others to understand the many STI(s) and their symptoms. If knowledge relies heavily on internet websites false information may well damage a healthy sexual life.

Presently current sexual education doesn't include sexually transmitted infections and related topics which has resulted in higher numbers of STI(s) in youths.

Having multiple sexual partners and improper use of condoms are reasons for the increases in STI(s) and unwanted pregnancies in the young.

Thankfully there is a HPV vaccine routinely given at 12 yrs of age to the young prior to being sexually active.  It is important to know that the virus can be still be transmitted through skin contact or saliva so having the HPV vaccine is the only reliable way to prevent a HPV infection. 

Please contact your GP or come into the clinic and we will be happy to vaccinate you. Unfortunately the STI Clinic London is a private clinic so it will come at a cost.  

Your health is important to you. Look after it.  


It is clear from our discussion that Blue Waffle Disease doesn’t exist.  It claims symptoms of real STIs i.e. Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia.  (Turning the vaginal area blue is not a thing, it is false.)

This fictitious disease influences those who are easily persuaded especially the young. Incorrect and harmful information is misleading and dangerous.  

If you want the facts on STI(s) find a health professional website that gives you the right information.

Any concerns or symptoms regarding genital or urinary problems you have either see your GP or book an appointment at STI Clinic London we can definitely help with all sexual and other health issues in complete confidence.