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Transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
01 Sep 2019 |

Transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases are a widely discussed topic due to their prevalence amongst the community. There is lots of misinformation and stigma surrounding this topic, however, which is one of the reasons why it’s difficult to get full and frank information.

This post is intended to help our readers find detailed, clinically correct information surrounding STDs and transmission.

If you feel you are at risk of STD or you think you’ve been exposed, go to a walk in STD Clinic in London to get yourself checked. A full STD screen is the only way to know, and thus manage any potential conditions.

What are the chances of getting STDs from oral sex?

Oral sex is the act of using the lips, mouth, or tongue to stimulate your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus. This act is common among people who are sexually active, heterosexuals (straight) or same-sex couples (gays and lesbians) inclusive.

STDs and other infections can be spread through oral sex. If you engage in oral sex with a partner who is infected with an STD, it is possible to contract that infection in your mouth or throat if you have practiced only oral sex. If you have participated in other types of sex (anal / vaginal) then naturally, you may have contracted an STD in these areas. Visit the nearest walk-in STD clinic in London for diagnosis and treatment.

Your risk of getting an STD from oral sex depends on several risk factors, however this list is not exhaustive:

  • Whether you are practising safe sex or not.
  • The volume and frequency of new sex partners.
  • The frequency of STDs in the population you and your partner belong to.
  • The total number of sexual acts performed.
  • The type of sexual activities you engage in.
  • The severity and specific type of STD contracted.

Generally speaking, there are some key points to remember about oral sex and your risk for STD. It is possible to contract STDs in your mouth or throat when giving your partner oral sex if they have a genital or rectal/anal infection.

It is possible also to contract an STD in the anus, rectum, or vagina while receiving oral sex from a partner that has an infection of the throat or mouth. STDs are not just limited to one area of the body alone; you can be infected in more than one region of your body at the same time for instance, in both the throat and genitals.

Also, remember that you can contract STD from oral sex even if your partner does not show any outwards signs of an STD. In some cases, there are no symptoms until when enough damages have been done in the body.

Several STDs contracted through oral sex can spread to other parts of the body if they are not treated. As such, it is highly recommended for you and your partner to undergo regular testing.

STDs that can spread through oral sex are trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus (HPV), HIV, herpes, gonorrhoea, and chlamydia.

Apart from STDs, other infections that can be transmitted through oral sex, especially if you engage in oral sex with the anus. These can be, but are not limited to; Shigella, Amebiasis, other intestinal parasites and also Hepatitis A.

Factors that increase your risks of contracting STDs from oral sex

  • Exposure to pre-ejaculate or ejaculate from a partner who has an STD
  • Sores, cuts or ulcers in your mouth or on your genitals can increase your risk of contracting STDs from oral sex because they are open wounds.
  • Poor health such as oral cancer, tooth decay, gum disease or bleeding gums can increase your risks of STDs from oral sex.

How to protect yourself from STDs during oral sex

Use a dental dam to reduce your risk of contracting STDs during oral sex - you can also use other barrier methods like condoms whenever you are involved in oral sex.

Make sure your partner covers their penis fully with a latex condom anytime you are having oral sex on the penis. You can use a plastic condom (polyurethane) instead if you have an allergy to latex.

Those who have oral sex on the vagina or anus should use a dental dam. You can make yours simply by cutting out a square from the condom and placing it in-between your mouth and your partner’s vagina or anus.

The risks of getting an STD from a one night stand

Contracting an STD from just one unprotected encounter or a one night stand is definitely possible. Only one instance of intercourse with a partner who is infected with chlamydia, gonorrhoea, or syphilis can increase your chance of contracting these diseases by 30%.

It is vital that you understand the risk that unprotected sex poses to your health, so that you may protect yourself better. These infections can lead to serious health complications if they are not treated promptly and adequately.

Always use sexual protection methods that are reliable such as condoms anytime you are involved in any sexual activity. If you’ve had unprotected sex before, it would be wise to visit the nearest clinic for diagnosis and treatment.

Are Condoms 100% effective in protecting against STDs?

Condoms are highly effective in preventing STDs that are spread through bodily fluids - these include gonorrhoea and chlamydia, but the condoms have to be used correctly and consistently.

Condoms are also highly effective in preventing the spread of HIV, but they offer less protection against infections transmitted via skin-to-skin contact such as syphilis, HPV, and herpes.

It is possible to contract an STD even when you use a condom; this makes abstinence the best and surest way to prevent STDs. But people who use condoms have a substantially lower risk of contracting an STD.

Follow the tips below to get the best protection out of condoms:

  • If you must lubricate your condom, make sure you use a water-based lubricant because lubricants that are oil-based like cold cream, petroleum jelly, or baby oil can weaken the condom. This, in turn, can make it burst or split, and when this happens, the aim of using the condom in the first place is defeated.
  • Make sure your condoms are stored in a cool, dry place because heat weakens condoms and this can reduce their effectiveness and make them burst while in use.
  • Do not use a condom twice - always use a new condom while having sex
  • Read the label on the package of the condom before using it because following the manufacturer’s instructions can boost its effectiveness.

How to Choose the Right Kind of Condoms to prevent STDs

One vital thing to always do is to read the label on the package of the condom, and then you follow the tips below:

  • Use condoms made of latex, but if you are allergic to latex, you can use that made of polyurethane. Studies have shown that both latex and polyurethane condoms (female condoms inclusive) might prevent the transmission of HIV and hepatitis. Condoms made of lambskin might not offer the same protection.
  • The label on the package must indicate that the condom can prevent diseases. If this is not mentioned on the package, which means the condom has not been tested in the prevention of STDs.

When do I need STD testing?

If you're sexually active, you need to get tested for STDs.

  • This is highly important and should be done if you are entering into a new relationship, both you and your partner should go for the test.
  • You should have regular tests if you and your partner are not using protection while having sex.
  • If you and your partner have multiple sex partners, you need regular testing
  • Go for testing if you experience signs and symptoms that are peculiar to STDs or look like STDs
  • Go for testing immediately if you are sexually assaulted

Pregnant women or women who want to be pregnant should tested for STDs so that their unborn baby won’t be affected. During your prenatal visit, your doctor would also screen you for STDs.

Always use protection during sex and go for regular testing to keep your risk of contracting an STD low. You can call us today to book an appointment, 02071830649.